If you secretly think that you’re a hodophile (having wanderlust now and then) or just planning a long trip with friends or family, then this post is for you.
These 7 essential accessories have made my trips amazingly simple because of one simple fact – They are Useful all the time!
Here are the 7 most essential car accessories that will make your ride flawless.
1. First Aid Kit With Medicines
You need to have this for sure.

Big mountains, rocks and cliffs are amazing but slipping through the gaps and getting bruises is not.
This is where the kit will come in handy.
Things that your kit must have – Bandages, antiseptic creams and powders, cotton wool, pain killers, scissors, sticky tape, and pain relief sprays.
Not only first aid but having a proper stock of medicines to avoid dizziness, vomiting or food poisoning can help you avoid the trip from being a nightmare.
This accessory can save you from threats!
2. Mobile Mount Holder
This is a no-brainer and the most essential and useful car accessory to have on your windshield.
This age has made us dependent so much on phones that we now don’t even care about remembering the routes to a new place.
But doing multiple tasks like driving and looking at the map can be dangerous that you might want to definitely avoid.

So these mounts can help you to have a look at the map without deviating your vision from the road. Isn’t it awesome!
Okay, you might just ask the guy sitting next to you (if you’re driving) for the direction but I would not break the music for that!
3. Camping Mat
This is my personal favourite.
There is nothing better than a happy lunch under a banyan tree with friends. You bet! Thepla, Fafda, banana chips and dahi!
But you also want to protect your clothes from getting dirty as well so having a thick outdoor rug is the easiest thing to carry.
Just find a suitable tree and have a memorable afternoon!
4. Garbage Bag
Well, we Indians have one crazy habit – Carrying a lot of snacks and wafers. A lot!

And when the stomachs are filled, the wrappers go to any corner which seems suitable and if you have experienced the after-cleaning – it's a pain in the butt!
But these bags will save you from the headache.
They can be easily hung over the back of the seats and they have great capacity (at least to the next bin).
Having these bags will keep your car clean – Absolute Bonus.
5. Sun Blockers
You might already have one but it’s worth reminding you.
Afternoons after a good lunch might get harsh because the sun would not let you sleep!

Don’t worry these blockers will maintain the coolness so that you can get a proper nap cause that’s imp!
They can easily protect your car’s dashboard from harsh rays when parked and are also foldable.
6. Car Jack With Accessories
Well for a hodophile nothing is more unromantic than a flat tyre on rugged rocks - You can’t let go of the great feeling because of some rough patch!
These automatic car jacks can be very useful to immediately change tyres and continue your journey
7. Roof Box

When it comes to essential car accessories – you can’t miss a roof box.
The roof box comes in a universal size which perfectly fits your car.
Boot space can easily get occupied if you are planning a long trip with your group and this is where roof boxes help you to manage that “extra luggage”.

A-WAY provides stylish roof boxes at an affordable price range which will literally double your car's storage capacity and provide you with the freedom to carry everything that you want.
Contact us to know about roof boxes and roof bags which are a new addition to our collection to give you more freedom.
Driving can often be an uncomfortable experience, especially on long journeys. However, with the right automobile car seat cushion, you can transform your ride into a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Check this for more information about the best car seat cushions .